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Polygamy Day, Inc. ![]()
![]() August 19, 2015, is the FIFTEENTH Polygamy Day ®. Many significant events have occurred over the previous year, all leading up to this year's celebration of "Polygamy Day ® 15." On August 27, 2014, in the Brown v. Buhman case, because Utah's Attorney General had failed to even refute the claim for damages, the Federal Court Judge awarded damages to the polygamous Brown family for the State of Utah violating their constitutional rights. This was the Judge's last ruling on the remaining seventh and final count in the Brown v. Buhman case. (The first six counts of the Brown v. Buhman decision had previousy been decided on December 13, 2013, when "De Facto" Polygamy was De-Criminalized in Utah by Federal Court.) On January 16, 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) determined that it would hear a consolidation of four cases (as one case) regarding same sex marriage. The Court directed both sides of the case to answer two specific questions, to be presented at the later oral arguments in the following April. The two questions asked whether or not the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution required States to license same sex marriage. As this case could was very possibly going to effectively legalize same sex marriage, National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel authored a comprehensive 8,000 word analysis, asking, Will SCOTUS Legalize Polygamy in 2015? After oral arguments were subsequently presented in April, the views of this analysis were again brought to the media (such as here).On June 26, 2015, SCOTUS ruled that States Must License Same Sex Marriage (but not Polygamy). For polygamists, Obergefell v. Hodges was Half-Right & Half-Wrong (and Still Against Polygamy). As that last link explains, the decision was "half-right to acknowledge the fundamental liberty right of Individuals to choose their marriages, but it was half-wrong to specifically give special rights for same sex marriage while still depriving polygamy." This point was repeated and legally re-confirmed in a 2-hour interview that Henkel gave on Understanding The Law Radio on June 29, 2015. The hypocrisy of Obergefell was immediately evident - especially for the Decision's supporters. The dichotomy exactly fulfilled the famous sound-bite made by National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel over the past decade. "If Heather can have 2 Mommies, why can't she have 2 Mommies... and a Daddy? This embedded video (below) shows the repeatedly used sound-bite, beginning with its first citation in NEWSWEEK magazine in 2006.
VIDEO: - Why can't Heather have 2 Mommies AND a Daddy? Truly, that sound-bite has the rhetorical power to successfully persuade those on the political Left who are in favor of the Obergefell decision to now also consider freedom for UCAPs (unrelated consenting adult polygamists). However, it is not apt to necessarily persuade the other side of the debate. Those who opposed this legalization of same sex marriage are often also still opposed to polygamy rights for unrelated consenting adults. Even so, Obergefell actually has now provided an incentive for those on the political Right to finally embrace the Polygamy Rights Win-Win Solution to end the marriage debate. In a three-hour radio interview with a panel of conservatives, on July 15, 2015, National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel ended up giving an unplanned but persuasive Polygamy 101 for Conservatives & Christians. Henkel explained that those on the political Right now only have three options of action left to take: Die, Lose, or Win. One, they could just "die" and give up on the issue altogether with total humiliation. Or two, they could keep choosing to "lose" by repeating the insanity of the proven-failed re-attempts to amend the Constitution (because now there is no way that 37 States will ever ratify such a marriage control amendment). Or three, they could save face and get a political "win" by returning back to their core values of true limited government. As only the third option remains as a viable and positive approach to actually "win," this demonstrates why the political Right now - more than ever - has the last-hope incentive to finally embrace the Polygamy Rights Win-Win Solution:Abolish all government marriage control for unrelated consenting adults. Wrapping up the year, August 16, 2015, marked the 10-year anniversary of a profoundly pivotal moment. Indeed, 10 Years Ago, “Christian Polygamy” Made History. When the modern movement of Christian Polygamy (which began began on July 4, 1994) was only 11 years old in 2005, renowned Christian leader Pat Robertson's 700 Club aired its first report on the young Christian Polygamy movement. In that report, they correctly identified the movement as evangelical Christians. In that one unexpected moment, the two words, “Christian” and “polygamy,” were no longer a supposed “contradiction in terms." That historic achievement instantly catapulted National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel to the national stage like never before, and it paved the way - making it possible - for the overall National Polygamy Rights Movement for Consenting Adults to become what it has become ten years later in 2015. Even for non-Christian UCAPs, this moment in history is profoundly significant. With such extraordinarily important events happening over the previous year, supporters of UCAP - unrelated consenting adult polygamy - surely have great reason to celebrate on August 19, 2015, "Polygamy Day ® 15." ![]()
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