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Polygamy Day, Inc. ![]()
![]() August 19, 2018, is the EIGHTEENTH Polygamy Day ®. The previous year has been one of forward movement, giving pro-polygamy supporters cause to celebrate this year's celebration of "Polygamy Day ® 18." Over the first three months of 2018, the television network, TLC, aired three separate reality-TV series about polygamy.
On June 26, 2018, a Canadian Judge Sentence[d] Polygamists to House Arrest, Not Jail. These were the exact same cases and judge from just a year ago on July 24, 2017, who had, Finding Polygamists 'Guilty of Polygamy' Pushe[d] Canada Backwards. The result is that, still, no one has been sent to actual jail for "only" the so-called "crime" of polygamy. "Found guilty?" Yes (sadly). But "sent to jail?" No. But that is not the only thing that happened on June 26, 2018. NationalPolygamyAdvocate.com publicly announced the official, National Polygamy Advocate ™ PODCAST. This new podcast had been undergoing testing and development since March, 2018, using weekly posts of past media interviews conducted with National Polygamy Advocate ™ Mark Henkel. The podcast is available on numerous platforms and may be found on any iPhone or Android smartphone by searching for "national polygamy advocate". By July 6, 2018, the podcast was even available on the renowned Spotify platform. In news sent to the media on August 7, 2018, National Polygamy Advocate PODCAST Archiving Media Interviews, the podcast had already aired the 20th of the historic past interviews, with vastly more still to come. That news report explained the following. The podcast serves as (1) an educational resource for students, activists, politicians, and media about the national polygamy rights movement for unrelated consenting adults, (2) a source for rhetoric-training of future advocates of UCAP, Unrelated Consenting Adult Polygamy, (3) a demonstrated example of leadership for the future leaders of the movement, and lastly yet most significantly of all, (4) an important archive for history. Also this Summer, Pro-Polygamy.com Celebrate[d] 15 Years of News & Views to Media on July 25, 2018. Not only did that official news report about this milestone anniversary provide comprehensive details from over the numerous years, but the content was concluded with an extensive bibliography at the end. Explaining, the report teased with the following. From 2003, the first & only web-site to distribute real news & views from the pro-polygamy view to the media, Pro-Polygamy.com is now 15 years old. It has been a positive year. The pro-polygamy fight for freedom continues. Supporters of UCAP - unrelated consenting adult polygamy - surely have much to celebrate as well as to contemplate on this August 19, 2018, "Polygamy Day ® 18." .![]()
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